On Nordic Musik

Druckereihalle im Ackermannshof

Während des gesamten Konzerts besteht eine Maskenpflicht. Wir danken Ihnen für Ihr Verständnis.
Konzertabend des Ensembles reConvert - zeitgenössische Musik

reConvert propose an overview on Nordic Music and the artistic aesthetics closely connected to it. After collaborating with established and young composers reConvert will bring some of the most characteristics works, where the barriers between music, visual art and technology are blurred and creates an artistic identity.

reConvert was born as a natural extension of the percussion repertoire of the last seventy years, to become a seal of identity that rejects generic definitions and bets on a continuous work between different artists in which the questioning of the dogmas of the academy is in the foreground.


Kaj Duncan David (*1988, DK)
4c0st1ctr1g3r for MIDI percussion pad, 909 Clap and 808 Kick samples, light (2015)
for two musicians

Simon Løffler (*1981, DK) h, new piece based on h material (2013)
for two musicians

Mads Emil Dreyer (*1986 DK) Bølger (2015, reConvert version 2020)
for two musicians

Kaj Duncan David (*1988, DK) Some pieces for violin, keyboard and lights (2017)
for two musicians

Simon Løffler (*1981, DK) e (2014)
for three musicians

reConvert: Lorenzo Colombo & Roberto Maqueda
CHF 10.- / 5.-
Voranmeldung / Reservation
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